2011 New Year's Greetings

The New Year is upon us, and BigBlueGumball is looking forward to a great year. Lots of exciting happenings coming up this year, and we look forward to telling you about everything. For now, we'll keep it brief...
For starters, Todd will be delivering a presentation entitled, "Top 10 Training Tips for HR Professionals: A Wild 30-Minute Roller Coaster Ride" at this Wednesday's sold-out SHRM-HR/NY event.
Steve's VizThink NYC kicks off in 2011 with a mini-event on "Visual Business Planning." For more info, go to http://vizthink.com/events/?event_id=20
Todd recently joined the faculty of NYU where he will be delivering a 12-session graduate program entitled, “Transformational Leadership & Teambuilding” for their Leadership and Human Capital Management master’s program (http://ho.io/todd-nyu-leadership).
Plenty more to come. Feel free to get in touch for more info...
References (1)
Response: Veterans Day Wishes quotes
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