Todd's Talk on 10 Top Training Tips at SHRM's HR/NY Chapter Event

*Click here to watch video of this presentation.
This past week, Todd was one of the three keynote speakers at a tremendous learning event held by HR/NY, the New York chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).
Sponsored by the organization's fast-growing Career Planning & Profesional Development SIG, and attended by an enthuiastic group of approximately 75 attendees, Todd's interactive and engaging talk was entitled, "10 Top Training Tips for HR Professionals: A Wild, 30-Minute Roller Coaster Ride!"...and that it was!
In response to participant questions about where and how to find relevant and impactful (and free) visual images to create more effective powerpoint presentations, Steve was on hand to jump into the discussion and contribute his expertise in this area.
Also in attendance to lend their support and encouragement were a few of BigBlueGumball's best friends, fans, partners, and clients, including our great friend, the Queen of Networking, Andrea Nierenberg (; Camille Gargiso, the head of HR for NASFT; and Karin Sibrava-Cherches, BigBlueGumball's #1 fan and supporter.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the 10 Top Tips, each of which were brought to life in the course of this fun, visual, and interactive presentation, were these:
1.Do not read your slides word-for-word.
2. Decide what to leave out.
3. Open strong.
4. Be creative, innovative, interactive, and fun!
5. Focus equally on content, design & delivery.
6. It’s all about your participants.
7. Remember the 3 E’s: Educate, Entertain & Excite. TM
8. Satisfy all 3 Learning Styles.
9. Use Visuals & Storytelling.
10. Practice, practice, practice.
11. Exceed expectations!
References (1)
Response: Humanities stream
Reader Comments (1)
It was a wonderful event--YOU are a brilliant trainer and speaker and you truly make 'training entertaining' with a ton of substance!!