At BigBlueGumball... we have a dream... that one day... everyone... will recognize the power of visual communication.
As communicators and presenters, we all recognize the power of words. What is often overlooked though, is the added impact that visuals have on an audience. The power of visuals not only comes from the things we see, but also from the things we hear. When Martin Luther King, Jr. told us that he "has a dream," he painted his dream for us using vivid language, metaphor, and tone that automatically turned our minds into a canvas for our imagination.
Last week, Todd and I had the opportunity to be guest presenters for VizThink NYC. Through a series of interactive exercises including VizProvization, VizBiz Pictionary, and sketch-noting, we explored the power of visual communication, and unleashed the power and creativity that existed in all who attended.
VizThink events tend to attract incredibly creative, talented, insightful, and friendly people from around the globe, which always makes each event a fantastic experience. Last week's event drew people from as far away as Sweden, California, Westchester, Long Island, and the Upper East Side...!
To more fully engage in the experience, please check out the following links:
VizThink.com (event write-up)
Pictures on Flickr
Visuals For Change (blog post with sketchnotes)
Present Your Story (blog post with sketchnotes)
Special thanks to VizThink, MJ Broadbent, Ray DeLaPena, Amanda Lyons, Nolan Haims, and Liquidnet.