Entries in vizthinknyc (1)
Red Light Go!

If confronted with these two restroom signs (on the right), which one would you choose? If you drove up to a green stop sign, would you stop or go? If the "No Smoking" sign was on the bottom of an upside-down ashtray... hmmm... where to even start....?
These are just a few of the extremely important questions posed at BigBlueGumball's recent VizThink NYC workshop entitled "Red Light Go: Mixed Signals in Visual Communication."
We live in a world in which we regularly encouter mixed signals that lead to miscommunication, misunderstanding, and uninformed decisions. Visuals can (and should) help clarify our communication, but poor visual choices can amplify the confusion, and lead to disasterous results.
"Red Light Go" was an opportunity to examine the impact of mixed messages in visual communication, as well as an exploration of how we can avoid them by becoming more effective visual communicators. The end result looked something like the image below (courtesy of Amanda Lyons of Visuals for Change)...
For more about the event, please see the VizThink.com blog (courtesy of Dean Meyers), and check out the event photos on Meetup.com.
To stay in the loop on future VizThink NYC events, please click here and join the VizThink NYC Meetup Group.
Ready.... GO....!!!