Entries in Power (2)

The BBG PowerDial: a textbook case

Honored to have the BigBlueGumball PowerDialTM model featured in this 550-page, $252 textbook.

Now, if I could only afford to buy it...or lift it!

For more on the PowerDial, click here for the article, "The BigBlueGumball PowerDial: The Power to Change...to Get the Power You Need." 

Or here for the video, "Turn Up Your Power Dial & Kick-Start Your Confidence."

BigBlueGumball Turns Up the Power Dial at Bubble2Boardroom

*Click here to see video highlights of this presentation.

A special thank you to Dani Ticktin Koplik of dtkResources (and to my friend and new ICF-NY president, Terry Yoffe) for inviting me to present at the Bubble2Boardroom career fair and networking conference at the New York Athletic Club on Friday (Jan 6, 2012.)

It was an honor to join an impressive roster of guest speakers which included superstar marketing and social media guru, Ted Rubin, as well as Michelle Tillis Lederman, author of “The 11 Laws of Likability.”

My presentation entitled, “Turn Up Your Power Dial…and Kick-Start Your Confidence” introduced our patented BigBlueGumball Power Dial model to the public for the very first time, along with a number of other tools, tips and techniques including “BigBlueGumball’s 5 Quick Tips for Boosting your Confidence":

  1. Build on your PAST SUCCESSES (eliminate that negative "self-talk")
  2. Leverage your STRENGTHS (don’t dwell on your weaknesses or limitations)
  3. Make every experience a LEARNING OPPORTUNITY to build upon
  4. Seek out FEEDBACK (it’s a gift!)
  5. ACT AS IF” (believe in yourself...if you don't, who will!)

For more on the Power Dial, Building Your Confidence, Influencing or any other related management, leadership, or communication-related topic, please feel free to email me anytime at todd.cherches@bigbluegumball.com.