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10 Tough Questions Every Self-Aware Leader Needs to Be Able to Answer

I am proud to report that I am now officially a "thought leader"!


Please see my guest post on leadership expert Mike Figliuolo's excellent thoughtLEADERS blog.

(Mike is the author of one of my new favorite leadership books, "One Piece of Paper.")

Today’s guest post is by Todd Cherches, the CEO of BigBlueGumball.

Here’s Todd…

There’s an old maxim about not answering a question with a question, so I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna answer a question with TEN questions!

And the question is: How can you become a more “self-aware” leader?

As one of the keys to being an effective leader is self-awareness, here are 10 powerful, thought-provoking, and challenging questions you need to think about – and be ready, willing and able to answer – if you truly want to be a more reflective – and effective – leader:

*To read the full post, please click here for Part 1, and here for Part 2 !